Reflecting on the Critics Lab: 2022 Edition

written by Isabel Donohoe

Coming into this Critics Lab, I wasn’t completely sure what to expect. I was a sponge ready to soak up whatever came pouring out the tap! 

The first task of watching a hefty list of films seemed overwhelming at first, but once I dove in, it was easy to float. There was an intriguing mix of styles, experience levels, and content so it was always a surprise as to what was to come next. I constructed a list of my Top 15 favourites, and then it was time to meet the mentors and fellow mentees.

The group couldn’t have been more open, uplifting and welcoming. It was such a wonderful experience to be vulnerable together, in sharing ideas and learning new things. The mentors were very engaged and I was thrilled to see the amount of time spent on their suggestions for improvement of our work.  

So, what did I learn? 

To convey ideas with more assurance. Use less ‘fluff’ language. Assert the idea without too much sarcasm or double-meaning that becomes unclear. 

To find the not-so-good in the good. I have no trouble writing a ‘negative’ review and inserting a little positivity, but when the review has a positive theme, I can get carried away and miss some opportunities to offer constructive criticism too. 

To be as objective as possible. Avoid too much personal opinion, and the use of ‘we’ or ‘the audience.’ Don’t assume others’ stance. 

There is no one way to critique. Just play and discover! 


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