T Blockers: The Trans Experience vs the Formula
Eina Tubadeza reviews T Blockers for the MWFF Critics Lab.

Clever Titles, Podcasts, and (Grand)Parents: Interview with Julie Zhu (Lǎo Lao Lǎo Le, 2023)
MWFF Critics Lab’s Michelle Huang interviewed Lǎo Lao Lǎo Le writer-director Julie Zhu.

MWFF Critics Lab 2025: Capsule Reviews
The first writing assignment in the MWFF Critics Lab is the capsule review challenge.

There Can Be More Than One: ‘To The Death’ and Navigating Film as a Woman of Colour
Hannah Torregosa chats with actor/writers Menik Gooneratne and Yasmin Kassim about their film ‘To The Death’ and navigating film as a woman of colour.

WINHANGANHA ‘is for mob’: Interview with Jazz Money at MWFF’s opening night.
Ruby O’Sullivan-Belfrage caught up with Jazz Money at MWFF’s opening night to discuss the incredible WINHANGANHA, archives, and storytelling ‘for mob’

MWFF Reviews: The Royal Hotel
Hannah Torregosa reviews The Royal Hotel for MWFF’s Critics Lab

Memory Film: a Filmmaker’s Diary: In Conversation with Jeni Thornley
Grace Boschetti interviews filmmaker Jeni Thornley for MWFF Critics Lab

Capsule Review Challenge
This year’s MWFF cohort have produced their first reviews. Check them out here!

MWFF Critics Lab on The Goddess of 1967
In this article, MWFF Critics Lab mentees Erika Lay and Chelsea Daniel share their thoughts on a divisive film in this year’s Melbourne Women in Film Festival: Clara Law’s The Goddess of 1967.

MWFF Critics Lab on Sweet As
In this article, MWFF Critics Lab mentees Meg Funston and Madeleine McDonald share their reflections on MWFF Opening Night film, Sweet As.